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Beth is a caregiver for pets on the ship.
Before the Ship
Beth's pre-story life on the farm wasn't tragic or anything, she enjoyed what she had, but she did take an interest in space and wondered what it'd be like to travel. Though no one in her life ever believed her, she enjoyed what she experienced and often wished to return.
Dootopias Communications Device
Is one of the strongest on the ship (confirmed by UV).
Looks after the pets.
Lost a tooth in an nondescript brawl.
Is Elizabeth’s roommate.
Would probably accept the challenge to a fight (confirmed by UV).
Favorite animal; Horse.
Has a pet horse on board.
Favorite food; Homestyle Chili.
She and Carol take care of animals when they get sick.
Bakes often (confirmed by UV).
Might be a Christian (confirmed by UV).
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