One of the outlaws hidden away on the ship, Essence was known amongst the group as a gambler by trade, never afraid to take risks and was very useful when she was on the ship when making business decisions, though after the ship got put into a bit of a tiff between two sides started by one of the other denizens on the ship, wound up getting sent off back to her own dimension, or so the admins thought.
Before the Ship
Essence, who enjoyed cleaning out peoples wallets in gambling, found out about dimensional travel on accident after winning a faulty watch from someone in a bet.
Once won $10,000 in Texas Hold’em.
Cheats in gambling. (confirmed by Willow)
Keeps her money in a vault back home.
Doesn’t know what Mario Party is.
Breaks out into rashes if she has cherries (confirmed by Karma).
Doesn’t know Danganronpa.
Doesn’t know much of Yugioh outside of what others on the ship knew.