Hazel stays pretty quiet and tight lipped on the ship. She, similarly to Fii doesn't has one job to attend to, but she's kept around as like an unofficial therapist of sorts, people seem to entrust her with secrets and problems they have and over time she's begun documenting things on her own accord. She always carries her drawer key around at all times.
Before the Ship
Contrary to what you (or even she) might believe, Hazel was actually a scientist in her dimension who wound up discovering dimensional travel through an accident. Now, she has a hard time remembering things from her pre-ship life and isn't always the best narrator in that regard.
Dootopias Communications Device
Has been described as the ships therapist. (by UV)
Is an elf.
Does spare reading in Anabell’s library.
The drawers in her room are almost indestructible and she keeps the key to those drawers on her person at all times (confirmed by UV).
Is not weak to cold iron.
Despite being the ship's therapist, does not have anyone to go to for therapy herself.
Able to recall some "modern Elvish-ish language" (confirmed by UV).
Shares a room with Carol, they get along fine.