"You would to like more about me, wouldn't you? Ain't that sweet, well, let's just say my life was rather magical, until I was told some rather unfortunate news regarding my place on board the "SS Bad Name for a Spaceship".", Liddell was notorious for her magic on the ship, she performed as the fool, mostly for those on board, acting as a birthday magician sometimes, and as entertainment for the admins others. Now is amongst the outlaws, acting as the leader of a rebellion.
Before the Ship
While she may talk a big game now, Liddell initially struggled to make any of her spells strong enough to last, so by high school, she met up with and got into some pretty shady dealings with a local cult that promised to make her stronger. Well... at least it worked.
Dootopias Communications Device
Does not know of Five Nights at Freddy’s.
Was called a magical girl once. (by UV)
Has a Pogs collection, calls them “milk caps”.
Favorite ice cream flavor; Tutti Frutti
Never thought about her favorite food.
Her dimension just has magic in it and you learn how to properly use it like any child would learn how to speak.
Has not sold snake oil.
The skeletal look on her face is just make-up.
Doesn’t know Disney’s “The Princess and the Frog”.
Used to magic shows on board.
Doesn’t know much of Yugioh outside of what others on the ship knew.
She, alongside Essence and Willow are probably the biggest threat the ship has faced (said by UV).