Madeline is the maid of the ship, she goes room to room cleaning up what she can. She stays to herself otherwise, but will willingly listen to someone rattle off about themselves, may sometimes ask for help on cleaning duty from her roommate, Winnie. Has a passing interest in flags.
Before the Ship
Madeline lived in a neighborhood where crime was pretty abundant, one day a local gang rivalry lead to the burning of several buildings, including the apartment Madeline lived in. Having nowhere else to go, she was offered a home by a wealthy passerby in exchange for service.
Dootopias Communications Device
Is implied to be able to handle alcohol better than Karma.
Thinks Beth & Elizabeth’s room requires the most work most of the time.
Her dimensions America was initially colonized by France, but over time had bastardized the culture in of itself (American-izing it).
Doesn’t know much about Quebec.
Has to use a special vacuum for Ria’s slime sometimes.
Bakes often (confirmed by UV).
Weirdest mess was caused by a "Fortuna" - with "future salt"
Said "future salt" was used in rituals and fortune telling and smelling them caused hallucinations.
Speaks "American French" (confirmed by UV).
Rooms with Winnie, Madeline tends to worry about Winnie as she usually comes back from working, exhausted.