A very nosy fairy who flies round the ship checking on everyone, she dwells into the dreams of the others on the ship, deciphering how they are emotionally, and if need be, will use her magic to make the dreams of those who aren't having good nights better.
Before the Ship
Right before joining the ship, Poppy and her surrounding forest where the fae lived was caught in the middle of a war between two factions of goblins and elves. Luckily, laying low, she was able to get out of there without any physical damage.
Dootopias Communications Device
Dives into every dream, regardless how traumatic, her therapy bills do stack up.
Poppy’s magic is specific to dreams.
Thinks Quinn’s and Ginger’s dreams are the worst to dive into.
Is only 2 feet tall (confirmed by UV).
Has described her dimension as “mythical” then followed that up by explaining that humans aren’t common.
Rooms with Karma.