Primarily, she's known as the ships clairvoyant, able to see vague images into the future, never knowing what they mean, however, few can understand her, as her dialect makes it difficult to do so. So she's often seen alone and isolated... if she's not partaking in the ships book club.
Before the Ship
Quinn was pretty content with her life actually, she ran a rather small, but successful brewery, which meant she sold potions and poisons to clients who commissioned them, however, a commission from a rival business had tricked her into making a portal that she was pushed into.
Dootopias Communications Device
Doesn’t react to puns (as confirmed by UV).
Would most likely win a staring or straight face contest (confirmed by UV).
Is not a vampire.
Does not perform in acting.
English in her dimension was developed from Shakespearean.
Talks a lot, but is never understood (confirmed by UV).
Not evil (confirmed by UV).
Gets sick the most frequently on the ship (confirmed by Carol).
Used to make an elixir to cure her constant illnesses. Cannot continue to make them while on board.
Once had coughed up purple ooze, but seems to think of it as a normal sickness, however was described as the weirdest ailment seen thus far (by Carol).
Speaks an "arcane language" (confirmed by UV).
Rooms with Anabell, apparently it's very quiet in there, as they don't have much to talk about.