[will complete later]
Before the Ship
Most people in Sugars pre-ship life found her constant positivity to be incredibly annoying whereas others found it suspicious. So she didn't have many friends outside of the raccoons that lived in the alley outside of her apartment. It's what got her interested in the other AUs.
Dootopias Communications Device
The rebellion (specifically Willow) helped with her punk-look in story one.
Likes chocolate.
As a commentator, she’s not as influential as Elizabeth, in a much bigger community that doesn’t rely on potshots as often.
YouTube in her dimension has been described as “fine, I’m not one to complain.”
Favorite food; Fruit Salad
Favorite drink; Soda (guessed by UV).
Has characters, but doesn’t seem to want to talk about it.
REALLY does not want to talk about her characters.
Doesn’t know what MySpace is.
Has friends, though can’t introduce them as they can’t speak. Was later clarified to be raccoons.
Doesn't think much about her positive influence.
Roommates with Naomi, they treat each other like sisters.