The "Unit of Various Exports of Information" (or... UV for short) is the ships computer, she is in charge of keeping track of where the ship goes, who uses what transporter, who sends what message, what the surveillance shows, the works.
Before the Ship
UV hasn't been quiet about why she's left home, there just really wasn't anything keeping her there, and it's not like her family was ever around to miss her much since they were also out, leaving her home alone more often than not.
Dootopias Communications Device
Does not know the meaning of life.
Music from her dimension isn’t too different from our own; just with more technology overall.
Not related to Robo-Doodle.
Knows the ship's origins.
Memes in her dimension are more traditional than cultural.
Does not know what Liberty Mutual is.
Never leaves the ship.
“Wendy” is her favorite AU Doodle.
Does not like Liddell or Essence, they were banished for a reason.
Has a lukewarm opinion of Elizabeth.
Her dimension has disproved the paranormal.
Is a Pikachu main in Super Smash Bros.
Is a workaholic.
Writes fanfiction.
Has a cyber-rodent named Sparky, he communicates in hexadecimal and is typically caged in the computer.
Doesn’t know what Chipotle is.
Doesn’t know what Pokemon is.
Said to be the smartest of the AU Doodles (according to Elizabeth).
Favorite colour is #F9FF73
Software bugs are the equivalent to being sick.
Favorite movie; “Disruption Of Society” starring Alysha Koval.
Has ways of dealing with intruders.
Understands “updog”-esque jokes, but never knows they’re jokes (confirmed by Elizabeth).
Doesn’t know much of anything from our dimension, frankly.
Her dimension has a population of people who get an “upgrade” to be able to access computers remotely in an out of body-esque experience through transferring your consciousness into them.
Computers in her dimension act as extra virtual rooms.
There is only one cited incident in her dimension where computers went out for a bit and had to be brought back by “archaic generators”.
Can interact with objects like normal.
Not really “the ship”.
Finds the “ancient contradiction” to be really cute.
Gets very tired of questions referencing our dimensions pop culture.
Her hamster, Sparky, while likes head scratches, may still shock a person with 200 volts of electricity.
Protective of her hamster.
Her avatar height is roughly 3’7” (0.91 in meters, 91.44 centimeters).
Is not a shortstack.
Is exploiting Elizabeth’s channel for views.
She can only enter computers that allow it.
Cannot give people an electroshock.
Indifferent to macaroni & cheese.
“UV” being her name is actually a short form of “Uvei”, which is an acronym for “Unit of Various Exports of Information” - she picked it out herself.
Doesn’t ride roller coasters because of her avatar's height.
Doesn’t know Portal.
Would most likely beat you in 6-Dimensional chess.
Gets tired of asking questions regarding everyones opinion on (x) thing.
Her favorite music falls under a genre she’s called “Wave”, some examples of music she enjoys from this genre include songs by Pheobe Wonder, The Love of Books, and Smoking in My Hotel.
Computers in her dimension have evolved past any worry for magnets.
Doesn’t know what cotton candy is.
Is still human.
Left her dimension as there wasn’t really anything keeping her there.
Doesn’t like an over reliance on pop culture in fanfiction.
The usual form we see her in is an avatar, her real body is elsewhere on the ship, and she stays in that form as it is the most convenient for her.
It might’ve been her idea to make a small civilization of AU-Doodles (as said by Skylar).
Can be forcefully removed from her avatar state.
Has negative feelings of "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory"/"Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory". This is a conversation Elizabeth has had disagreements with.
Tries to be unbiased with her answers, but will concede she might have been bias in some answers.
Has described her avatar state as an "out of body experience"
There might be a limit to her range, but she's never tested it.
She is the only one who can access her computer.
Binary is a second language, but she does know it.
Rooms alone.