The ship's captain. She tends to be very orderly, very formal, calculated, and to the point. Not very tolerant of shenanigans, chicanery, or impropriety due to an event that once happened on board.
Before the Ship
If you've paid enough attention to the "DDCD" videos, you might have clued into Zoelles home life with an alcoholic parent, always dreading to arrive back home from errands or university to find out what might be going on at home.
Dootopias Communications Device
Reacts to puns with a long, drawn out, sigh (confirmed by UV).
Recalls an experience traveling to a region in the S-sector as “wholesome”.
Used to smile a lot more when she wasn’t in charge of the ship. (confirmed by Ginger).
Doesn’t get violent often.
Grew up next to the sea in a town that had a high focus of oversea trading and took her aesthetic from that life.
Doesn’t think she or Elizabeth look alike.
Would rather not talk about why she calls people by sector letters instead of names.
Was taught fencing by an ex-crewmate.
Learned that when taking care of a drunken sailor; you take them to bed, leave medicine on their bedside table for the inevitable hangover, and stay quiet so as not to disturb them. It’s important to note she says she knows this from experience.
Probably the best at baking on board, though she doesn’t do so often (as said by UV).
Never met pirates.
Rooms alone, though used to room with Skylar (confirmed by Valorie).